Below are answers to the most frequent questions about the Happy Holiday Hour that we’ve been asked over the last 30 years.
Why is it called the “Happy Holiday Hour” when it runs for 3 hours a day?
Good question. Probably because it sounded “right” when we started in 1993. I’m sure some of the volunteers would appreciate a 1 hour long program!
When does the program run?
The program is run during the first week of the July school holidays, from Monday to Friday. We finish up with a concert on the Friday night.
How much does it cost & how do I pay?
Our current costs are $25 per child for the full week, or $6 per child per day. Most people find it convenient to pay in full at the reception area on Monday morning.
Is morning tea served?
We do not serve morning tea during the program. If your child/ren are used to eating at morning tea time, please feel free to send a snack with them. We do serve a cold drink, and there is always cold water available at the bubblers.
What ages do we cater for?
The “Happy Holiday Hour” caters for children aged between 5 and 12. We have been known to bend the rules for children who would otherwise miss out because their 5th birthday falls in July. We also encourage children who have participated in the “Happy Holiday Hour” in the past to come back and volunteer as junior staff once they are over 12 years of age.
Do we run any other programs?
Yes. We We run a 1hr long program for Children every Saturday Morning at the Church, starting at 9:30am. We’d love to see you and your children there!
Have you seen my child’s jumper/hat/shoes?
We try our best to encourage the children to take their belongings with them each day. Invariably, something always gets left behind in the excitement! If you are missing an item of clothing, please don’t hesitate to contact us by ‘phone or email.
Is the Happy Holiday Hour a “Church” program?
Yes. Our programs are all based on Christian principles.
Can I be a volunteer?
Yes! If you have a child attending the program, and you would like to stay and help out, you are more than welcome, but we ask that you check-in with your smartphone using the QR code at the Church, or you can “sign in” and out in the book provided. If you need any more information, please send us an email.
If you have any other questions, please email us!